Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Clothes Line

Fulton Journal: August 18, 1893

A predatory cow made a raid on a clothes line in the First Ward yesterday, and before she was detected had succeeded in eating two frilled skirts, three lace trimmed chemiwhatyoucallems, and several pairs of stockings. As the cow stumbled down an embankment an exceedingly angry woman appeared at the top, waving a broom vociferously, and with an expression of countenance which said, in language as plain as words could express it, "What wouldn't I give if I could cuss like a man."

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shoe Stretcher

Fulton Journal: June 6, 1902

In looking over the list of patents granted for new and notable inventions in the Scientific Amnerican for May 31, we noticed No.700,705 was issued to C.L. Passmore of Fulton, Illinois, for a shoe stretcher. This handy and practical tool is a long ways in advance of the "Lightning Shoe Stretcher" patented by Mr. Passmore a few years ago, and of which over 100,000 were sold.


1917: Fulton Journal

A few days ago a carrier pigeon was found at the store of A.D. Mitchell & Son and Wardell Stowell, who opens the store early in the morning, fed and took care of the bird. It became very tame. Thursday it was caught in the traffic jam in front of the store and met a violent death.


Fulton Journal: June 6, 1902

Dr. G.W. Clendenon has a fine colony of Michigan squirrels at his roadway residence. Last fall he brought a number of squirrels from Michigan and installed them in the trees on his lawn. A pair survived the raids made by cats, dogs and kids, and now there are four squirrelkins added, and the new arrivals are too cute for anything.