Saturday, December 12, 2009

Telephone Service

Fulton Journal
September 10, 1897

C.B. Miller, superintendent of the Try-City Telephone Co., of Clinton, was in Fulton today interviewing the business men in regard to the telephone service on this side of the river. He is endeavoring to interest enough people here to take phones to warrant the company in running a cable across the river so it will be possible for each patron to have a separate line, instead of the system now in vogue whereby as high as four patrons are on the same line. He met with splendid success the short time he was here and the cable is nearly a sure thing. The company will also make a small change in the monthly rates if the cable comes. The rates to be adopted will be as follows: For business houses, single wire, $2.50 per month; where there are two telephones on the same line $2 per month; for residence, single wire, $1.50 per month; two telephones on same line, @1 per month. The change will be beneficial to all.