Fulton Journal
April 5, 1892
Monday morning four Hollanders, residents of this city and whose names are George Ottens, Lubbe Greede, Claus Logemeir and Henry Logemeir, crossed the river in a boat below Stony Point to Clinton for the purpose of obtaining employment in w.J. Young & Co's mills. The mills not starting up the men returned to their boat, a double-oared skiff in a leaking condition, and started to recross the river.
The waves were running pretty high and when about four or five hundred feet from the Illinois' shore the boat had taken in so much water that it sank so that the four men were thrown into the water. They made frantic efforts to clinb into the boat which would sink under them.
John Clark, a fisherman who lives on the river shore near there, took his boat and pulled to the place where the men were struggling in the water, but was able to save but one, Henry Logemeir, the youngest of the lot. The others had been chilled by the water and sank out of sight just before Clark got in reach of them. He tied a rope to one of Logemeir's arms and hastily rowed to the shore, where he was restored to consciousness.
Clark believed that all could have been saved had they placed their hands on the boat and tried to keep their heads above water instead of persisting in an attempt to get into the boat.
The rescued man came to Fulton and reported what had happened. A party consisting of William Eckert, Robert Hall, John Schnetz and Fred Dykema rigged a drag line and hooks and with two boats made an attempt to recover the bodies. It was very difficult to manage the boats and after finding the body of
George Ottens the search was abandoned.
Of the drowned men, Ottens was forty-five years old and leaves a wife and three children; Lubbe Greede's age was thirty-two years and leaves a wife and four children; Claus Logemier was single and his age was twenty-eight years. The first two men had worked at W.J. Young & Co's mills for two years, and had lived in this city for several years. Logemeir and his brother had been living in Michigan until two years ago, when they came to Fulton and started to work on a farm. They had decided to try to get a job in the mills.
The funeral of Ottens was held at the Christian Reform church this afternoon and Rev. H. Housinga conducted the services.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fulton Journal
Feb. 16, 1897
Madam Caldwell, the great English Astrologist, has arrived in Fulton from England and occupies rooms over Miss E. Hartman's millinery store, on Broadway street, and will remain here for a few days only. She can read your destiny to perfection; she can tell you what you are best adapted for, and when the planet of fortune will benefit you in speculation; and locates hidden treasures and shows you the likeness of your future partner; brings together those separated, and removes evil influences. If you have been disappointed in love through the effects of others can and be convinced of her wonderful power. Daily consultation, Sundays included, see sign on door. Ladies, fifty cents; Gentlemen, $1--Adv.
Feb. 16, 1897
Madam Caldwell, the great English Astrologist, has arrived in Fulton from England and occupies rooms over Miss E. Hartman's millinery store, on Broadway street, and will remain here for a few days only. She can read your destiny to perfection; she can tell you what you are best adapted for, and when the planet of fortune will benefit you in speculation; and locates hidden treasures and shows you the likeness of your future partner; brings together those separated, and removes evil influences. If you have been disappointed in love through the effects of others can and be convinced of her wonderful power. Daily consultation, Sundays included, see sign on door. Ladies, fifty cents; Gentlemen, $1--Adv.
Highland Golf Club
Fulton Journal
May 17, 1901
Organized by Fulton Devotees to Outdoor Athletic Sports and Exercise
The persons interested in the formation of a golf club to the number of about twenty met in the college building, Wednesday evening and completed the organization of the club.
The name selected is "Highland," and Rev. Cary F. Moore is the first president. Dr. G.W. Clendenen was elected vice president; Mrs. J.H. Lines, secretary; W.H. Mitchell, treasurer; also E.M. Clark, A.D. Fay and W.F. Murdoch as board of directors.
The club is to be exclusive, only members and invited guests will be allowed on the grounds while a game or practice is in progress. This is made necessary by the owner of the grounds who does not want to throw the field open to the public.
A supply of golf sticks, balls and other accessories will cost each individual from three to ten dollars for an outfit.
You are not in it unless you belong to the Highland golf club, and get onto the nomenclatures of this popular Scottish game.
May 17, 1901
Organized by Fulton Devotees to Outdoor Athletic Sports and Exercise
The persons interested in the formation of a golf club to the number of about twenty met in the college building, Wednesday evening and completed the organization of the club.
The name selected is "Highland," and Rev. Cary F. Moore is the first president. Dr. G.W. Clendenen was elected vice president; Mrs. J.H. Lines, secretary; W.H. Mitchell, treasurer; also E.M. Clark, A.D. Fay and W.F. Murdoch as board of directors.
The club is to be exclusive, only members and invited guests will be allowed on the grounds while a game or practice is in progress. This is made necessary by the owner of the grounds who does not want to throw the field open to the public.
A supply of golf sticks, balls and other accessories will cost each individual from three to ten dollars for an outfit.
You are not in it unless you belong to the Highland golf club, and get onto the nomenclatures of this popular Scottish game.
Arrival of Emigrants
Fulton Journal
April 5, 1901
Ben Norman of East Clinton, who went over to Holland last November, returned Wednesday afternoon over the "Q," accompanied by forty-three adults and about sixty children right from the Netherlands.
Two other families were detained in New York on account of sickness. Their friends here were notified in the afternoon of their expected arrival, and long before the train was due, upwards of two hundred or more had gathered at the depot to greet the little band of emigrants. An extra coach was attached to the Mendota passenger train, for their accommodation.
It is said by the railroad men that Conductor Dano is now brightening up a little in his knowledge of languages, especially the Holland. He wants to be able to converse with the next lot of emigrants from the old country that take his train. Even now he greets about every one he meets with the salutation in Dutch, "Hoe's alles?" and John's accent is so remarklably good, that some of the railroad boys question his statement that he is of French extraction.
April 5, 1901
Ben Norman of East Clinton, who went over to Holland last November, returned Wednesday afternoon over the "Q," accompanied by forty-three adults and about sixty children right from the Netherlands.
Two other families were detained in New York on account of sickness. Their friends here were notified in the afternoon of their expected arrival, and long before the train was due, upwards of two hundred or more had gathered at the depot to greet the little band of emigrants. An extra coach was attached to the Mendota passenger train, for their accommodation.
It is said by the railroad men that Conductor Dano is now brightening up a little in his knowledge of languages, especially the Holland. He wants to be able to converse with the next lot of emigrants from the old country that take his train. Even now he greets about every one he meets with the salutation in Dutch, "Hoe's alles?" and John's accent is so remarklably good, that some of the railroad boys question his statement that he is of French extraction.
Telephone Service
Fulton Journal
September 10, 1897
C.B. Miller, superintendent of the Try-City Telephone Co., of Clinton, was in Fulton today interviewing the business men in regard to the telephone service on this side of the river. He is endeavoring to interest enough people here to take phones to warrant the company in running a cable across the river so it will be possible for each patron to have a separate line, instead of the system now in vogue whereby as high as four patrons are on the same line. He met with splendid success the short time he was here and the cable is nearly a sure thing. The company will also make a small change in the monthly rates if the cable comes. The rates to be adopted will be as follows: For business houses, single wire, $2.50 per month; where there are two telephones on the same line $2 per month; for residence, single wire, $1.50 per month; two telephones on same line, @1 per month. The change will be beneficial to all.
September 10, 1897
C.B. Miller, superintendent of the Try-City Telephone Co., of Clinton, was in Fulton today interviewing the business men in regard to the telephone service on this side of the river. He is endeavoring to interest enough people here to take phones to warrant the company in running a cable across the river so it will be possible for each patron to have a separate line, instead of the system now in vogue whereby as high as four patrons are on the same line. He met with splendid success the short time he was here and the cable is nearly a sure thing. The company will also make a small change in the monthly rates if the cable comes. The rates to be adopted will be as follows: For business houses, single wire, $2.50 per month; where there are two telephones on the same line $2 per month; for residence, single wire, $1.50 per month; two telephones on same line, @1 per month. The change will be beneficial to all.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
LeRoy Allison Obituary
Fulton Journal, May 18, 1897
The JOURNAL of last Tuesday contained the sad announcement of the death of Leroy Allison, who after a prolonged and heroic struggle with the king of terrors, passed from this life at sunset May 11, 1897. Roy was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Allison and was born in Fulton, July 18, 1875.
From early boyhood Roy was remarkable for his retiring manners, as well as for close application to his studies. At the age of sixteen he graduated with his class from the Fulton high school andd although urged to complete his education by a college course that would prepare him for a profession, he preferred to remain with his parents. Thus it waas that he became an assistant and a comrade, and later the business partner of his father. Together they planned and built the handsome double brick store building completed about three years ago. Roy had full charge of the business since, selecting and buying the stock, keeping the books and attending to the correspondence. Every leisure moment he devoted to study, taking up type-writing and stenography, and without the aid of instructors he became expert in the use of a type-writer and was a fair stenographer.
Although quiet and retiring he was observant and possessed rare judgment so that he early developed the ability to report local news for the press, and was for several years telegraphic correspondent for a Chicago daily, and served as weekly reporter for one or more county papers. Alas! he thought and worked too well and at too great a cost.
His industry and energy carried him beyond the strength of his constitution and his close application, before his friends realized his condition, brought on his fatal illness. But not until disease had made alarming progress, did he leave his place in the store. While confined to his home and no longer able to rise from his bed, fighting for existence with a heroism as marked as that of Napoleon's old guard who when called upon to surrender or die chose death, his thoughts were almost constantly returning to things connected with the store, with business, and his father's welfare.
Not until the day of his death did he lose hope of recovery, and then realizing his great weakness and growing weary of the struggle, he whispered to his father, "I will have to give up." Surrounded by those he held nearest and dearest he met death with courage and tranquil composure. Indeed, almost his last words were an assurance that he was not afraid to die. Then the pulseless hand fell from the grief stricken father's clasp, the head that could feel pain and weariness no more was laid tenderly back upon the pillow, and the eyes from which the light had gone out forever were reverently closed, and silence fell upon breaking hearts.
While his untimely end crushes the hearts and hopes of his devoted friends and comes to them almost as an infinite sorrow, yet there is some consolation for them. The dead do not suffer. They are beyond the jealousies, the selfishness, the burdens, the sufferings and the sorrows of this world.
While called upon to part with this loved one it may be comforting to recall the fact that all who knew and loved him here, one after another, shall follow him, even as piglrims passing over a dark river whose other bank is lost in a mist not penetrable to mortal vision. There on the other side may one and all meet to part again never. Yes, meet, but not as shadows in a shadowy land. Say rather as tired sleepers waking into a higher, nobler, grander existence, a change as from the darkness of night to the bright light of midday. And can we not believe that all that is wrong here will be made right there, and whatsoever is lacking here shall be added there?
"He hears not the moan of the night wind now,
Or the sighing of whose who weep.
The pallor of death is upon his brow
He sleeps an eternal sleep."
The JOURNAL of last Tuesday contained the sad announcement of the death of Leroy Allison, who after a prolonged and heroic struggle with the king of terrors, passed from this life at sunset May 11, 1897. Roy was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Allison and was born in Fulton, July 18, 1875.
From early boyhood Roy was remarkable for his retiring manners, as well as for close application to his studies. At the age of sixteen he graduated with his class from the Fulton high school andd although urged to complete his education by a college course that would prepare him for a profession, he preferred to remain with his parents. Thus it waas that he became an assistant and a comrade, and later the business partner of his father. Together they planned and built the handsome double brick store building completed about three years ago. Roy had full charge of the business since, selecting and buying the stock, keeping the books and attending to the correspondence. Every leisure moment he devoted to study, taking up type-writing and stenography, and without the aid of instructors he became expert in the use of a type-writer and was a fair stenographer.
Although quiet and retiring he was observant and possessed rare judgment so that he early developed the ability to report local news for the press, and was for several years telegraphic correspondent for a Chicago daily, and served as weekly reporter for one or more county papers. Alas! he thought and worked too well and at too great a cost.
His industry and energy carried him beyond the strength of his constitution and his close application, before his friends realized his condition, brought on his fatal illness. But not until disease had made alarming progress, did he leave his place in the store. While confined to his home and no longer able to rise from his bed, fighting for existence with a heroism as marked as that of Napoleon's old guard who when called upon to surrender or die chose death, his thoughts were almost constantly returning to things connected with the store, with business, and his father's welfare.
Not until the day of his death did he lose hope of recovery, and then realizing his great weakness and growing weary of the struggle, he whispered to his father, "I will have to give up." Surrounded by those he held nearest and dearest he met death with courage and tranquil composure. Indeed, almost his last words were an assurance that he was not afraid to die. Then the pulseless hand fell from the grief stricken father's clasp, the head that could feel pain and weariness no more was laid tenderly back upon the pillow, and the eyes from which the light had gone out forever were reverently closed, and silence fell upon breaking hearts.
While his untimely end crushes the hearts and hopes of his devoted friends and comes to them almost as an infinite sorrow, yet there is some consolation for them. The dead do not suffer. They are beyond the jealousies, the selfishness, the burdens, the sufferings and the sorrows of this world.
While called upon to part with this loved one it may be comforting to recall the fact that all who knew and loved him here, one after another, shall follow him, even as piglrims passing over a dark river whose other bank is lost in a mist not penetrable to mortal vision. There on the other side may one and all meet to part again never. Yes, meet, but not as shadows in a shadowy land. Say rather as tired sleepers waking into a higher, nobler, grander existence, a change as from the darkness of night to the bright light of midday. And can we not believe that all that is wrong here will be made right there, and whatsoever is lacking here shall be added there?
"He hears not the moan of the night wind now,
Or the sighing of whose who weep.
The pallor of death is upon his brow
He sleeps an eternal sleep."
Louisa Cowles:Traveled to Fulton with Emma Hale Smith
One of Fulton's Oldest Residents Called
Fulton Journal
July 13, 1897
Louisa Woodworth-Wilbur Cowles was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cowles and was born in Otsego county, New York, March 19, 1817, and died at the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. Martin H. McGrath, in this city, at 1:45 o'clock this morning, after an illness of nearly six weeks at the age of eighty years three months and twenty-three days. The immediate cause of her death was congestion of the lungs. The deceased was the daughter of a Methodist minister, and was one of a family of fourteen children, nearly all of whom have preceeded her to the beyond. She attended school in her native state and taught school when quite young. In 1836 the family moved to Courtland, Ohio, where the deceased met Wesley Knight, to whom she was married in 1838. To this marriage four children were born: Emma, who became Mrs. L.F. Puffer, and died in 1895; Mary, who married Daniel Hollinshead, of Ustick, and died in 1867; Don Carlos, who was a soldier in the civil war and died in St.Louis, in April, 1878, from injuries received in a railroad accident; and Wesley, who died in infancy. Soon after her marriage the family moved to southern Illinois and in 1847 came to this city, where the deceased has resided since. In 1850 Mr. Knight died of cholera while on his way to California for his health. She was afterward married to Benjamin Holmes, who died in Colorado in 1870. For many years she followed the calling of a nurse, and there are many in this city vicinity who can attest her patience and kindness in sickness. For the past seven years she has made her home with her grand daughter. Her death removes one of the oldest residents of Fulton. The funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. McGrath at 2:30 o'clock p.m. Wednesday. Mrs. H.P. Harver, a Spiritualist minister of Maquoketa, will conduct the services, and burial will take place in Fulton cemetery. The Universalist church choir of Morrison will furnish the music.
Fulton Journal
July 13, 1897
Louisa Woodworth-Wilbur Cowles was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cowles and was born in Otsego county, New York, March 19, 1817, and died at the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. Martin H. McGrath, in this city, at 1:45 o'clock this morning, after an illness of nearly six weeks at the age of eighty years three months and twenty-three days. The immediate cause of her death was congestion of the lungs. The deceased was the daughter of a Methodist minister, and was one of a family of fourteen children, nearly all of whom have preceeded her to the beyond. She attended school in her native state and taught school when quite young. In 1836 the family moved to Courtland, Ohio, where the deceased met Wesley Knight, to whom she was married in 1838. To this marriage four children were born: Emma, who became Mrs. L.F. Puffer, and died in 1895; Mary, who married Daniel Hollinshead, of Ustick, and died in 1867; Don Carlos, who was a soldier in the civil war and died in St.Louis, in April, 1878, from injuries received in a railroad accident; and Wesley, who died in infancy. Soon after her marriage the family moved to southern Illinois and in 1847 came to this city, where the deceased has resided since. In 1850 Mr. Knight died of cholera while on his way to California for his health. She was afterward married to Benjamin Holmes, who died in Colorado in 1870. For many years she followed the calling of a nurse, and there are many in this city vicinity who can attest her patience and kindness in sickness. For the past seven years she has made her home with her grand daughter. Her death removes one of the oldest residents of Fulton. The funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. McGrath at 2:30 o'clock p.m. Wednesday. Mrs. H.P. Harver, a Spiritualist minister of Maquoketa, will conduct the services, and burial will take place in Fulton cemetery. The Universalist church choir of Morrison will furnish the music.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Puffer: Found Dead
Fulton Journal
October 6, 1896
Luther F. Puffer disappeared from his home in this city Monday morning September 28. He had been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. M. H. McGrath. He had been in poor health for some time and his family believed his mind was unbalanced when he failed to return home. A search was instituted for him but nothing could be learned of him. This morning W. W. McAllister, a baggageman, and W.E. Hullinger, an engineer on the Northwestern road, came over on the passenger and went hunting on the bottoms east of town. While walking along the Cattail creek Mr. McAllister discovered the body of a man partly under water and lying in the mud. Mr. McAllister called his friend to view the remains. They then came to town and reported what they had discovered.
J.N. Baird, coroner, was notified and came to town at 10 o'clock and at once impanelled a jury consisting of T.H. Smith, foreman, W.H. Mitchell, Dr.C.A.Griswold, H.L. Abbott, O. E. Finch and Wardell Stowell. The remains had been brought to town by J.M. Fay and kept at his office. The jury were taken there and were sworn in and then retired to hear the evidence of the witnessess. The two main witnesses were Mr. McAlister and Mr. Hullinger, who told of their experience of the morning, and after hearing the evidence the jury gave a verdict in accordance with the facts.
Luther F. Puffer was born in Leyden, New York, March 26, 1836. He enlisted in the army August 7, 1862, and was mustered out in 1865. He was married to Miss Emma Elvira Knight at Black Hawk, Colorado. They came to this city in 1869 and with the exception of two years, 1882-1884, which he put in at Davis City, Iowa, has resided her since. Mrs. Puffer died in 1894. The children of the marriage are Nettie E., now Mrs. Martin H. McGrath of this city, and Daisy, now Mrs. Clayton Snodgrass, of Iron Hill, Iowa. The funeral will be held at 10:30 o'clock a.m. Wednesday, services being conducted at the Fulton cemetery where the burial will be.
October 6, 1896
Luther F. Puffer disappeared from his home in this city Monday morning September 28. He had been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. M. H. McGrath. He had been in poor health for some time and his family believed his mind was unbalanced when he failed to return home. A search was instituted for him but nothing could be learned of him. This morning W. W. McAllister, a baggageman, and W.E. Hullinger, an engineer on the Northwestern road, came over on the passenger and went hunting on the bottoms east of town. While walking along the Cattail creek Mr. McAllister discovered the body of a man partly under water and lying in the mud. Mr. McAllister called his friend to view the remains. They then came to town and reported what they had discovered.
J.N. Baird, coroner, was notified and came to town at 10 o'clock and at once impanelled a jury consisting of T.H. Smith, foreman, W.H. Mitchell, Dr.C.A.Griswold, H.L. Abbott, O. E. Finch and Wardell Stowell. The remains had been brought to town by J.M. Fay and kept at his office. The jury were taken there and were sworn in and then retired to hear the evidence of the witnessess. The two main witnesses were Mr. McAlister and Mr. Hullinger, who told of their experience of the morning, and after hearing the evidence the jury gave a verdict in accordance with the facts.
Luther F. Puffer was born in Leyden, New York, March 26, 1836. He enlisted in the army August 7, 1862, and was mustered out in 1865. He was married to Miss Emma Elvira Knight at Black Hawk, Colorado. They came to this city in 1869 and with the exception of two years, 1882-1884, which he put in at Davis City, Iowa, has resided her since. Mrs. Puffer died in 1894. The children of the marriage are Nettie E., now Mrs. Martin H. McGrath of this city, and Daisy, now Mrs. Clayton Snodgrass, of Iron Hill, Iowa. The funeral will be held at 10:30 o'clock a.m. Wednesday, services being conducted at the Fulton cemetery where the burial will be.
Puffer Missing
Fulton Journal
October 2, 1896
Luther F. Puffer left the home of his daughter, Mrs. Martin H. McGrath about 8:30 o'clock Monday foremoon, and has not since been heard from. He is about six feet in height, with gray hair, dark brown eyes and closely trimmed iron gray beard, and wore black trousers and vest and brown coat. He also wore a pair of brown cloth shoes. He was sick when he left his home and from evidence we have since learned we are forced to believe that his mind is unbalanced. Anyone to whom he may apply for shelter will please notify us at once, as anyone not doing so will be held responsible for any change for the worse in his mental and physical condition. Information regarding his whereabouts since Monday forenoon will be greatfully received. Leave word at the Register office or at our home three blocks north of the High School building.
Martin H. McGrath
Nettie E. McGrath
October 2, 1896
Luther F. Puffer left the home of his daughter, Mrs. Martin H. McGrath about 8:30 o'clock Monday foremoon, and has not since been heard from. He is about six feet in height, with gray hair, dark brown eyes and closely trimmed iron gray beard, and wore black trousers and vest and brown coat. He also wore a pair of brown cloth shoes. He was sick when he left his home and from evidence we have since learned we are forced to believe that his mind is unbalanced. Anyone to whom he may apply for shelter will please notify us at once, as anyone not doing so will be held responsible for any change for the worse in his mental and physical condition. Information regarding his whereabouts since Monday forenoon will be greatfully received. Leave word at the Register office or at our home three blocks north of the High School building.
Martin H. McGrath
Nettie E. McGrath
Fulton Journal
November 2, 1894
(See Blogs 2007: Puffer Obit)
Stole the Child
In June of this year Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Johnston, of this city, separated. They had not lived happily for several months and soon after the separation, Mrs. Johnston applied for a divorce, the case being on the docket of the present term of the circuit court of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had resided with Mrs. Johnston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Puffer, and after the separation Mrs. Johnston continued to reside with parents, keeping house for her father, as her mother is blind, and doing such other work as she could get to support herself and child. In her application for divorce she asked for the custody of the child, a little boy two years old. Johnston had repeatedly threatened to take the child and leave his wife before they separated. After their separation he made no attempt to gain possession of the boy till Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock when accompanied by a confidant he drove near the house....Mrs. Puffer was alone, Mrs. Johnston having gone to a neighbor's for a few moments, and when the door was opened by Mrs. Puffer, in answer to the man's knock, he asked about having a carpet woven. Mrs. Puffer, thinking he was some resident of the city and being unable to see him, asked him if he would step into the house. The boy was standing near his grand-mother and the man stepped far enough into the house to get hold of him. He took the boy in his arms and ran to the buggy in which Johnston was seated and they drove rapidly away. The boy began to cry when taken from his grand-mother and Mrs. Puffer called a neighbor, George Goble, who ran after the carriage. Johnston turned and told Goble to go back or "he would"fix him." Goble turned back and came down town. The officers were notified and L.F. Puffer, accompanied by Frank Considine, city marshal, went to Clinton, where the horse and buggy were found in a livery stable. It was ascertained by the city marshal that Johnston had pawned a revolver with the livery man as security for the livery hire. The toll-man claims that but one man crossed the bridge, and the description given tallies with that of the man who took the child from the house. The location of Johnston and the child is not known and there seems to be no legal means of regaining possession of the child before the application for the divorce case is decided.
November 2, 1894
(See Blogs 2007: Puffer Obit)
Stole the Child
In June of this year Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Johnston, of this city, separated. They had not lived happily for several months and soon after the separation, Mrs. Johnston applied for a divorce, the case being on the docket of the present term of the circuit court of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had resided with Mrs. Johnston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Puffer, and after the separation Mrs. Johnston continued to reside with parents, keeping house for her father, as her mother is blind, and doing such other work as she could get to support herself and child. In her application for divorce she asked for the custody of the child, a little boy two years old. Johnston had repeatedly threatened to take the child and leave his wife before they separated. After their separation he made no attempt to gain possession of the boy till Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock when accompanied by a confidant he drove near the house....Mrs. Puffer was alone, Mrs. Johnston having gone to a neighbor's for a few moments, and when the door was opened by Mrs. Puffer, in answer to the man's knock, he asked about having a carpet woven. Mrs. Puffer, thinking he was some resident of the city and being unable to see him, asked him if he would step into the house. The boy was standing near his grand-mother and the man stepped far enough into the house to get hold of him. He took the boy in his arms and ran to the buggy in which Johnston was seated and they drove rapidly away. The boy began to cry when taken from his grand-mother and Mrs. Puffer called a neighbor, George Goble, who ran after the carriage. Johnston turned and told Goble to go back or "he would"fix him." Goble turned back and came down town. The officers were notified and L.F. Puffer, accompanied by Frank Considine, city marshal, went to Clinton, where the horse and buggy were found in a livery stable. It was ascertained by the city marshal that Johnston had pawned a revolver with the livery man as security for the livery hire. The toll-man claims that but one man crossed the bridge, and the description given tallies with that of the man who took the child from the house. The location of Johnston and the child is not known and there seems to be no legal means of regaining possession of the child before the application for the divorce case is decided.
Lockhart School Picnic
Fulton Journal
June 18, 1915
The Lockhart school in Gardenplain closed last week Thursday with a picnic and a large crowd in attendance. After a fine dinner the people were entertained by a program given by the pupils of the school.
Twenty-five pupils were on the roll of honor for the year, and three others were absent or tardy only once. The teacher presented these scholars with a handsone pin with the name "Lockhart" engraved on it. To show that the district is well satisfied with Miss Church's work as teacher, the directors have engaged her for the next term at $90 a month.
Roll of Honor for 1914-1915
Arthur Workman, Maggie Ottens, Carl Jacobsen, Earl Schipper, Katie DeWeerdt,
Willie Ottens, Lutie Dornbush, Rena Damhoff, Henry Eissens, Gertrude Poole, Frankie Workman, Grace Poole, Katie Ottens, Harry Sterenberg, Johnnie DeWeerdt, Johnnie Dornbush, Johnnie Damhoff, Tena Holesinger, Joe Pesman, James Jacobsen, Tena Pesman, Effie Ottens, Jennie Poole, Johnnie Poole, Freddie Sterenberg.
Tardy once--Annie Temple, Jake Temple
Absent one day only--Otto Holesinger
June 18, 1915
The Lockhart school in Gardenplain closed last week Thursday with a picnic and a large crowd in attendance. After a fine dinner the people were entertained by a program given by the pupils of the school.
Twenty-five pupils were on the roll of honor for the year, and three others were absent or tardy only once. The teacher presented these scholars with a handsone pin with the name "Lockhart" engraved on it. To show that the district is well satisfied with Miss Church's work as teacher, the directors have engaged her for the next term at $90 a month.
Roll of Honor for 1914-1915
Arthur Workman, Maggie Ottens, Carl Jacobsen, Earl Schipper, Katie DeWeerdt,
Willie Ottens, Lutie Dornbush, Rena Damhoff, Henry Eissens, Gertrude Poole, Frankie Workman, Grace Poole, Katie Ottens, Harry Sterenberg, Johnnie DeWeerdt, Johnnie Dornbush, Johnnie Damhoff, Tena Holesinger, Joe Pesman, James Jacobsen, Tena Pesman, Effie Ottens, Jennie Poole, Johnnie Poole, Freddie Sterenberg.
Tardy once--Annie Temple, Jake Temple
Absent one day only--Otto Holesinger
Thomas Smith: 1st Dutchman in Fulton
Fulton Journal
February 25, 1896
Thomas Smith was assaulted and robbed at his home on Base street Monday evening. Two or three of Mr. Smith's friends had called on him during the evening the last one to leave was Carl Deelsnyder who left a few minutes after 8 o'clock. He had been gone but a few minutes when Mr. Smith heard a rap at the door and supposed it was Mr. Deelsnyder returning. When he opened the door he was confronted with three young men who forced their way into the room. When they first entered the room they began to jostle Mr. Smith around making all efforts possible to confuse him. This did not have the desired effect and they then bound his hands and feet and placed a gag in his mouth. One of the young men stood guard over Mr. Smith while the others ransacked the house. They did not find much of value and began to abuse Mr. Smith by striking him on the temples with the butt of a revolver cutting an ugly gash over his left eye and also striking him with their fists in his chest. After punishing him in that manner for a time and securing what money Mr. Smith had in the house, which was about $35 they left him. Mr. Smith finally worked loose the rope with which he was bound and went on the street to give the alarm the first man he met was Dr. L. Barber who returned to the house with him and remained until Garrett O'Connor night policeman was called. No trace was discoverd of the robbers Monday evening. Mr.Smith is rather sore from the bruises he received.
February 25, 1896
Thomas Smith was assaulted and robbed at his home on Base street Monday evening. Two or three of Mr. Smith's friends had called on him during the evening the last one to leave was Carl Deelsnyder who left a few minutes after 8 o'clock. He had been gone but a few minutes when Mr. Smith heard a rap at the door and supposed it was Mr. Deelsnyder returning. When he opened the door he was confronted with three young men who forced their way into the room. When they first entered the room they began to jostle Mr. Smith around making all efforts possible to confuse him. This did not have the desired effect and they then bound his hands and feet and placed a gag in his mouth. One of the young men stood guard over Mr. Smith while the others ransacked the house. They did not find much of value and began to abuse Mr. Smith by striking him on the temples with the butt of a revolver cutting an ugly gash over his left eye and also striking him with their fists in his chest. After punishing him in that manner for a time and securing what money Mr. Smith had in the house, which was about $35 they left him. Mr. Smith finally worked loose the rope with which he was bound and went on the street to give the alarm the first man he met was Dr. L. Barber who returned to the house with him and remained until Garrett O'Connor night policeman was called. No trace was discoverd of the robbers Monday evening. Mr.Smith is rather sore from the bruises he received.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
California Bound
Fulton Journasl
June 24, 1892
Thursday Thomas and William Wardlough, of Muskegon, Michigan, passed through Fulton with their families which consisted of their wives and five children. They are on their way to Califoprnia and are making the trip overland. The ladies and children travel in a covered three seated carriage and the gentlemen have a large covered spring wagon. They carry a supply of all the latest improved utensils in the way of stoves, tents, guns, and fishing tackle to make camping life a pleasure, and if it were not for the bad roads and rainy weather would be enjoying their trip hugely. They expect to be one year in making the trip.
June 24, 1892
Thursday Thomas and William Wardlough, of Muskegon, Michigan, passed through Fulton with their families which consisted of their wives and five children. They are on their way to Califoprnia and are making the trip overland. The ladies and children travel in a covered three seated carriage and the gentlemen have a large covered spring wagon. They carry a supply of all the latest improved utensils in the way of stoves, tents, guns, and fishing tackle to make camping life a pleasure, and if it were not for the bad roads and rainy weather would be enjoying their trip hugely. They expect to be one year in making the trip.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
50th Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Fred Utz
Fulton Journal
August 20, 1943
Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Utz, highly esteemed residents of Fulton, were married fifty years, and in honor of the occasion they were the guests of honor at a dinner party in the evening in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.T.W. Jones.
The dining table was beautiful with its lace table cloth, yellow tapers and the centerpiece, which was a crystal bowl filled with golden zenias and daisies. There was also the gold wedding cake with its white icing, topped with a miniature bride and groom. The top bore the dates 1893-1943, and dainty rosebuds decorated the outer edge. The cake was baked by Mrs. Chris Petersen of Clinton. A corsage of gold glads was presented to Mrs. Utz, and one of orchid to Mrs. Fred Schmaldt, a close friend.
Those present at this happy gathering besides the honored couple, the host and hostess and their daughter, Marilyn Jones, were Mr.and Mrs Charles Binghm and daughter, Miss Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petersen and daughter, Miss Marian, Mr.and Mrs.Fred Schmaldt and daughter, Miss Loraine, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Utz and daughters, Misses Jeane and Lois, of Kewanee.
On August 16, 1893, in the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sarah Beauvais, in Fulton, her daughter, Miss Marie, exchanged nuptial vows before Father Stack, pastor of the Immaculate Conception church. Their attendants were Miss Jeanette Beauvais, sister of the bride, and Fred Schmaldt. They have spent their entire married life in Fulton. They have a son, Curtis, of Kewanee, a daughter Florence, now Mrs. T.W. Jones of Fulton, and three grandchildren, Jeane and Lois Utz of Kewanee, and Marilyn Jones of Fulton.
Mr. Utz at the present time is superintendent of the city water works, and is on the job every day.
They have many friends in Fulton who extend their congratulations and best wishes and hope they will celebrate many more anniversaries together.
August 20, 1943
Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Utz, highly esteemed residents of Fulton, were married fifty years, and in honor of the occasion they were the guests of honor at a dinner party in the evening in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.T.W. Jones.
The dining table was beautiful with its lace table cloth, yellow tapers and the centerpiece, which was a crystal bowl filled with golden zenias and daisies. There was also the gold wedding cake with its white icing, topped with a miniature bride and groom. The top bore the dates 1893-1943, and dainty rosebuds decorated the outer edge. The cake was baked by Mrs. Chris Petersen of Clinton. A corsage of gold glads was presented to Mrs. Utz, and one of orchid to Mrs. Fred Schmaldt, a close friend.
Those present at this happy gathering besides the honored couple, the host and hostess and their daughter, Marilyn Jones, were Mr.and Mrs Charles Binghm and daughter, Miss Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petersen and daughter, Miss Marian, Mr.and Mrs.Fred Schmaldt and daughter, Miss Loraine, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Utz and daughters, Misses Jeane and Lois, of Kewanee.
On August 16, 1893, in the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sarah Beauvais, in Fulton, her daughter, Miss Marie, exchanged nuptial vows before Father Stack, pastor of the Immaculate Conception church. Their attendants were Miss Jeanette Beauvais, sister of the bride, and Fred Schmaldt. They have spent their entire married life in Fulton. They have a son, Curtis, of Kewanee, a daughter Florence, now Mrs. T.W. Jones of Fulton, and three grandchildren, Jeane and Lois Utz of Kewanee, and Marilyn Jones of Fulton.
Mr. Utz at the present time is superintendent of the city water works, and is on the job every day.
They have many friends in Fulton who extend their congratulations and best wishes and hope they will celebrate many more anniversaries together.
4th of July, 1891
Fulton Journal: June 30, 1891
The Fire Works
The fire works display this year will exceed anything ever given here before. It will be a magnificent sight. The first thing in order in the evening will be a grand illumination of the bridge with colored fire and electric lights. The platform from which the fire works are to be shot off will be placed on the top of the truss of the high span the highest point on the bridge and 100 feet above the surface of the river.
The Fire Works
The fire works display this year will exceed anything ever given here before. It will be a magnificent sight. The first thing in order in the evening will be a grand illumination of the bridge with colored fire and electric lights. The platform from which the fire works are to be shot off will be placed on the top of the truss of the high span the highest point on the bridge and 100 feet above the surface of the river.
Lyons Fulton Bridge
Fulton Journal
June 30, 1891
The First to Cross
Saturday evening at seven o'clock the first team crossed the high bridge. It was Ira Stockwell's handsome span of blacks attached to a barouche containing Mr. Stockwell holding the ribbons, and the following other gentlemen all members of the board of directors of the Lyons and Fulton Bridge: J.K.P. Balch, S.W. Gardiner, C.L. Root, G.W. Ashton and J.A. Nattinger. Although for some distance there was no railing on either side and that where the structure is sixty or seventy feet above the water, yet the transit was safely accomplished. The party drove about our city and then returned having enjoyed the honor of being the first to ride over the handsome bridge.
June 30, 1891
The First to Cross
Saturday evening at seven o'clock the first team crossed the high bridge. It was Ira Stockwell's handsome span of blacks attached to a barouche containing Mr. Stockwell holding the ribbons, and the following other gentlemen all members of the board of directors of the Lyons and Fulton Bridge: J.K.P. Balch, S.W. Gardiner, C.L. Root, G.W. Ashton and J.A. Nattinger. Although for some distance there was no railing on either side and that where the structure is sixty or seventy feet above the water, yet the transit was safely accomplished. The party drove about our city and then returned having enjoyed the honor of being the first to ride over the handsome bridge.
Commencements at Fulton High School
The headline in the Fulton Journal in May 2009 indicated FHS was about to honor its 68th class of graduates. A query at the newspaper office and the school office failed to answer my puzzlement about the number. Library research produced the answer.
1876: 1st graduating class
Fulton Journal: June 16, 1876:
We noticed briefly last week that the First Annual Commencement of the Fulton High School was held at the schoolroom on Wednesday evening, and was attended by a large and appreciative audience. Every available space was filled with seats which were speedily occupied by the throngs coming in, and yet accommodation could not be provided for all, numbers being obliged to stand by the doors, and wherever else they could gain a foothold. This interest was gratifying in the extreme, not only to the teachers and the graduates, but to the friends of the great and beneficent free school system of the State. The day has arrived when this system has become duly understood and appreciated by the people of our land, and nothing short of a revolution which must spring from a source against which every effort for the weal and the welfare of the country will be powerless, can crush it, or even divest it of any of its advantages.
The school room was beautifully and tastefully decorated with pictures, flowers, and festoons of evergreens and forest leaves. The doors between the teachers’ room and the platform were thrown open, thus giving ample space for conducting the exercises, and adding much to the general appearance of the whole room. At 8 ½ o’clock, Prof. Loomis, the Principal, Miss S.E. Linn, the Assistant, Misses Laura Gerrish, Mate Green, Etta Jones and Jennie Knight, the graduates, accompanied by Revs. D.E. Wells and J.S. David and the choir consisting of Prof. Mark Jones, Mrs. A.A. Austin, Miss Lucy Brink, Miss Hattie E. Green, Miss Josie E. Knight and Mr. Chas. Startsman appeared upon the stage…
On June 4, 1941, the 63rd commencement for Fulton high school was held in the Coliseum. It was to be the last commencement for that numbering system because in 1940, Fulton Community High School District No. 306 was organized with 5 new board members: Henry Flikkema, Frank Bell, Howard Abbott, John Sterenberg, and Macy Lockhart. It appears to have been a tumultuous time as people from Garden Plain and portions of Union Grove protested being part of Fulton and preferred to join with Erie. Areas north of Fulton wanted to go to Thomson.
On May 29, 1942, the first annual commencement of the Fulton Community High School was held in the Coliseum with 28 “boys and girls” receiving their diplomas.
The name change went from Fulton High School to Fulton Community High School and the numbering system went from 63 to 1. The current numbering system leaves out 63 years of Fulton’s educational history. It could be adjusted easily by adding dates 1876-2010 and eliminating current numerals.
1876: 1st graduating class
Fulton Journal: June 16, 1876:
We noticed briefly last week that the First Annual Commencement of the Fulton High School was held at the schoolroom on Wednesday evening, and was attended by a large and appreciative audience. Every available space was filled with seats which were speedily occupied by the throngs coming in, and yet accommodation could not be provided for all, numbers being obliged to stand by the doors, and wherever else they could gain a foothold. This interest was gratifying in the extreme, not only to the teachers and the graduates, but to the friends of the great and beneficent free school system of the State. The day has arrived when this system has become duly understood and appreciated by the people of our land, and nothing short of a revolution which must spring from a source against which every effort for the weal and the welfare of the country will be powerless, can crush it, or even divest it of any of its advantages.
The school room was beautifully and tastefully decorated with pictures, flowers, and festoons of evergreens and forest leaves. The doors between the teachers’ room and the platform were thrown open, thus giving ample space for conducting the exercises, and adding much to the general appearance of the whole room. At 8 ½ o’clock, Prof. Loomis, the Principal, Miss S.E. Linn, the Assistant, Misses Laura Gerrish, Mate Green, Etta Jones and Jennie Knight, the graduates, accompanied by Revs. D.E. Wells and J.S. David and the choir consisting of Prof. Mark Jones, Mrs. A.A. Austin, Miss Lucy Brink, Miss Hattie E. Green, Miss Josie E. Knight and Mr. Chas. Startsman appeared upon the stage…
On June 4, 1941, the 63rd commencement for Fulton high school was held in the Coliseum. It was to be the last commencement for that numbering system because in 1940, Fulton Community High School District No. 306 was organized with 5 new board members: Henry Flikkema, Frank Bell, Howard Abbott, John Sterenberg, and Macy Lockhart. It appears to have been a tumultuous time as people from Garden Plain and portions of Union Grove protested being part of Fulton and preferred to join with Erie. Areas north of Fulton wanted to go to Thomson.
On May 29, 1942, the first annual commencement of the Fulton Community High School was held in the Coliseum with 28 “boys and girls” receiving their diplomas.
The name change went from Fulton High School to Fulton Community High School and the numbering system went from 63 to 1. The current numbering system leaves out 63 years of Fulton’s educational history. It could be adjusted easily by adding dates 1876-2010 and eliminating current numerals.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Charles Utz
Fulton Journal
Jan 20, 1939
Charles G. Utz, a retired businessman, passed away at his home on Lincolnway at 12:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon after a lingering illness of four years duration. Since November 1st, his condition had been serious and he required attention both night and day, which was faithfully given by his wife.
Funeral services were held at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Fay's chapel, with the Rev. Jones Earl Corwin, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating.
During the service, Mr. and Mrs. Mino Flikkema sang "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and "Nearer My God to Thee."
Pallbearers were W.J. Considine, James McCullagh, W.H. Tremayne, W.H. Mitchell, Earl Rush, David Schwab, and Charles Johnson. Interment was in the Fulton cemetery.
Charles Gottlieb Utz was born in Chicago, October 1, 1856, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Utz. When four years of age his family moved to Dixon and two years later,1862, located in Fulton.
He was educated in the Fulton schools and upon the completion of his studies he worked for his father, learning the butcher trade. In 1896, he opened a meat market of his own, but a year later he and his wife went to Davenport. They resided there and in Chicago for five years and upon their return here he went into business with his father.
The elder Mr. Utz retired from business in 1905, turning his shop over to his two sons, Charles and Fred, and for eight years they were in partnership. The former bought his brother's share in 1913 and managed it until his retirement four years ago. He spent his remaining years in a well earned vacation.
Mr. Utz was a first class butcher, having learned the trade thoroughly under the tutelage of his father. When he retired, it was the first time in over seventy years that a meat market was not managed or owned by a member of the Utz family.
Throughout his residence here he maintained the respect of his fellowmen and was held in high esteem by all.
On July 25, 1896, he was married to Rosa Palina Neff, and to this union six children were born, all of whom passed away in infancy. Mrs. Utz died on March 15, 1914, and on August 12, 1915, he married Miss Louise Thomson of Fulton, who died in 1925.
On October 4, 1932, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Julia Larson of Elwood, Ill., the ceremony taking place in the parsonage of the St. Paul's Lutheran church in Clinton.
He is survived by his wife, two brothers, Fred and William, a niece, Mrs. T.W. Jones, all of Fulton, a nephew, Curtis Utz of Kewanee, a step-son, Louis Larson, and a step-daughter, Mrs. Ellen Carlson, both of Cadillac, Michigan.
He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, Carl and William, and two sisters, Elizabeth and Rosebud, and those mentioned above.
Jan 20, 1939
Charles G. Utz, a retired businessman, passed away at his home on Lincolnway at 12:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon after a lingering illness of four years duration. Since November 1st, his condition had been serious and he required attention both night and day, which was faithfully given by his wife.
Funeral services were held at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Fay's chapel, with the Rev. Jones Earl Corwin, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating.
During the service, Mr. and Mrs. Mino Flikkema sang "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and "Nearer My God to Thee."
Pallbearers were W.J. Considine, James McCullagh, W.H. Tremayne, W.H. Mitchell, Earl Rush, David Schwab, and Charles Johnson. Interment was in the Fulton cemetery.
Charles Gottlieb Utz was born in Chicago, October 1, 1856, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Utz. When four years of age his family moved to Dixon and two years later,1862, located in Fulton.
He was educated in the Fulton schools and upon the completion of his studies he worked for his father, learning the butcher trade. In 1896, he opened a meat market of his own, but a year later he and his wife went to Davenport. They resided there and in Chicago for five years and upon their return here he went into business with his father.
The elder Mr. Utz retired from business in 1905, turning his shop over to his two sons, Charles and Fred, and for eight years they were in partnership. The former bought his brother's share in 1913 and managed it until his retirement four years ago. He spent his remaining years in a well earned vacation.
Mr. Utz was a first class butcher, having learned the trade thoroughly under the tutelage of his father. When he retired, it was the first time in over seventy years that a meat market was not managed or owned by a member of the Utz family.
Throughout his residence here he maintained the respect of his fellowmen and was held in high esteem by all.
On July 25, 1896, he was married to Rosa Palina Neff, and to this union six children were born, all of whom passed away in infancy. Mrs. Utz died on March 15, 1914, and on August 12, 1915, he married Miss Louise Thomson of Fulton, who died in 1925.
On October 4, 1932, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Julia Larson of Elwood, Ill., the ceremony taking place in the parsonage of the St. Paul's Lutheran church in Clinton.
He is survived by his wife, two brothers, Fred and William, a niece, Mrs. T.W. Jones, all of Fulton, a nephew, Curtis Utz of Kewanee, a step-son, Louis Larson, and a step-daughter, Mrs. Ellen Carlson, both of Cadillac, Michigan.
He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, Carl and William, and two sisters, Elizabeth and Rosebud, and those mentioned above.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Obit: Grace Sterenberg
December 3, 1918
Death of Aged Woman
Having been a continuous resident of Fulton for nearly a third of a century, Mrs. Grace Sterenberg, Friday afternoon, answered the final call and passed away at her home on Fourteenth avenue, the cause of her death being due to infirmities of old age.
Mrs. Sterenberg, whose maiden name was Grace Vandenberg, was born in the town of Uithuirmeeden, in the province of Gronegen, Holland, September 18, 1836. About sixty years ago in her native country, she was married to Thomas Bruins, who died in 1880, leaving her with the care of three sons and three daughters. Six years later Mrs. Bruins with her three daughters and two sons, Jacob and Claus, came to this country and located in Fulton. In 1890 Mrs. Bruins became the wife of B.J. Sterenberg. He died nine years ago.
Mrs. Sterenberg had no children by her second marriage, but by her first marriage leaves three daughters, Winnie, the wife of Henry Knoll, who resides in Ustick: Jennie at home and Anna, who married Roy Sikkema and resides in Fulton; also three sons, John Bruins in Holland, Jacob of Morrison and Claus Bruins of Fulton, and two sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Ludens of Chicago and Mrs. J.H. Spoolman of Fulton.
Mrs. Sterenberg became ill Thursday night, and to those about her it was evident that the end was near and her children were called to her bedside and were present when she passed away.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon at two o'clock at the First Reformed church with services conducted by Rev. William VanVliet; interment in the Fulton cemetery.
December 3, 1918
Death of Aged Woman
Having been a continuous resident of Fulton for nearly a third of a century, Mrs. Grace Sterenberg, Friday afternoon, answered the final call and passed away at her home on Fourteenth avenue, the cause of her death being due to infirmities of old age.
Mrs. Sterenberg, whose maiden name was Grace Vandenberg, was born in the town of Uithuirmeeden, in the province of Gronegen, Holland, September 18, 1836. About sixty years ago in her native country, she was married to Thomas Bruins, who died in 1880, leaving her with the care of three sons and three daughters. Six years later Mrs. Bruins with her three daughters and two sons, Jacob and Claus, came to this country and located in Fulton. In 1890 Mrs. Bruins became the wife of B.J. Sterenberg. He died nine years ago.
Mrs. Sterenberg had no children by her second marriage, but by her first marriage leaves three daughters, Winnie, the wife of Henry Knoll, who resides in Ustick: Jennie at home and Anna, who married Roy Sikkema and resides in Fulton; also three sons, John Bruins in Holland, Jacob of Morrison and Claus Bruins of Fulton, and two sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Ludens of Chicago and Mrs. J.H. Spoolman of Fulton.
Mrs. Sterenberg became ill Thursday night, and to those about her it was evident that the end was near and her children were called to her bedside and were present when she passed away.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon at two o'clock at the First Reformed church with services conducted by Rev. William VanVliet; interment in the Fulton cemetery.
Mrs. Berend Sterenberg
Fulton Journal
March 24, 1876
Died: Near Fulton, March 19, 1876, Mrs. Berend Sterenberg, aged 40 years and 9 months. By this affliction, seven children are left motherless, the youngest being less than a year old. The funeral of the deceased was attended on Tuesday afternoon at the Reformed church, by a very large congregation, including many persons who speak and understand English only. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Hazenberg, conducted the first part of the services in the Holland language, his discourse being listened to by his people with much earnestness and tenderness. The remaining services were conducted in English by Revs. D.E. Wells and Josiah Leonard.
March 24, 1876
Died: Near Fulton, March 19, 1876, Mrs. Berend Sterenberg, aged 40 years and 9 months. By this affliction, seven children are left motherless, the youngest being less than a year old. The funeral of the deceased was attended on Tuesday afternoon at the Reformed church, by a very large congregation, including many persons who speak and understand English only. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Hazenberg, conducted the first part of the services in the Holland language, his discourse being listened to by his people with much earnestness and tenderness. The remaining services were conducted in English by Revs. D.E. Wells and Josiah Leonard.
Mrs. Moses Green
September 8, 1882
Mrs. Moses A Green, wife of M.A. Green of Ustick township, died very suddenly on the Fair grounds at Morrison on Thursday afternoon at about half-past two o'clock. She had just partaken of a lunch and went off under the trees to enjoy a smoke and rest, where she was soon after found in a dying condition. Medical aid was summoned at once but it did not avail and shortly after she breathed her last. Her death was said to be caused by exhaustion, and effusion of the brain.
September 8, 1882
Mrs. Moses A Green, wife of M.A. Green of Ustick township, died very suddenly on the Fair grounds at Morrison on Thursday afternoon at about half-past two o'clock. She had just partaken of a lunch and went off under the trees to enjoy a smoke and rest, where she was soon after found in a dying condition. Medical aid was summoned at once but it did not avail and shortly after she breathed her last. Her death was said to be caused by exhaustion, and effusion of the brain.
Family Reunion: Green
Fulton Journal
August 9, 1889
A birthday anniversary was held August 4th in honor of Mrs.Susanna Green, in Ustick, at the residence of Mrs. John Pape, by her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and a few old neighbors and friends to the number of seventy-five. There were present thirty-two great grandchildren, twenty-five grandchildren and six of her own children. Five other children scattered around in other states could not be present. Mrs. Giles Hoover, of Ohio, came last Wednesday, and Mrs. Edward Height, of Winfield, Iowa, came Thursday to celebrate their mother's birthday. They will visit friends and relatives for two or three weeks and then return home. Mr. and Mrs. Birt Embick, of Leaf River, her grandchildren, were present. Mrs. Susanna Green is very smart, and gets out around as active as lots of folks at sixty, and this being her 90th birthday, speaks well for this venerable old lady. She raised a family of twelve children, and eleven of them are living now. Moses A. Green is the oldest child and Mrs. Pape is the youngest. At about noon two tables were spread out under the shade of two large maple trees and they were spread with a bountiful supply of food. About three o'clock a fervent prayer was offered by George Pape, of York, and after a good handshaking with the old lady all wended their way home thinking they had spent a very pleasant day.
August 9, 1889
A birthday anniversary was held August 4th in honor of Mrs.Susanna Green, in Ustick, at the residence of Mrs. John Pape, by her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and a few old neighbors and friends to the number of seventy-five. There were present thirty-two great grandchildren, twenty-five grandchildren and six of her own children. Five other children scattered around in other states could not be present. Mrs. Giles Hoover, of Ohio, came last Wednesday, and Mrs. Edward Height, of Winfield, Iowa, came Thursday to celebrate their mother's birthday. They will visit friends and relatives for two or three weeks and then return home. Mr. and Mrs. Birt Embick, of Leaf River, her grandchildren, were present. Mrs. Susanna Green is very smart, and gets out around as active as lots of folks at sixty, and this being her 90th birthday, speaks well for this venerable old lady. She raised a family of twelve children, and eleven of them are living now. Moses A. Green is the oldest child and Mrs. Pape is the youngest. At about noon two tables were spread out under the shade of two large maple trees and they were spread with a bountiful supply of food. About three o'clock a fervent prayer was offered by George Pape, of York, and after a good handshaking with the old lady all wended their way home thinking they had spent a very pleasant day.
Great River Road Kiosk: Akker/Balk
Den Besten Park next to de Immigrant windmill is the site of the new Great River Road Kiosk in Fulton. One side focuses on the Great River Road and the other on the history of Fulton.
A large picture of farmers working a field is featured on the local history side. No identification of the people is indicated. However, the photograph was given by Mrs. Paul (Evelyn) Sterenberg taken at the Sebe Akker farm and worked by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Balk. The farm was located at Blind Charlie’s Corner on what is now Penrose Road. Their descendents are numerous in Whiteside County.
Mrs. Peter Balk was born Kate Akker on December 7, 1867, the daughter of John and Abeltje Akker. She lived until August 13, 1943. Her obituary states that “older residents well remember that she was in charge of a milk route in town and regardless of weather conditions was faithful to her duties, a trait characteristic of her in anything she ever undertook to do.” She had one brother, Sebe Akker, and sisters, Ellen Akker Tillema (Albert), Josie Akker Flikkema (Henry), Maggie Akker Dykema (George) and two half brothers, John and George Kolk.
On February 6, 1887 she married Peter Balk who lived until December 6, 1935. They had five daughters, Mrs. Clarence Bielema, Mrs. Dick (Jennie) Tichler, Mrs. John (Margaret) Klimstra, Mrs. Peter (Abbie) Wiersema and Mrs. Ren (Ella) Dykstra; four sons, John, Roy, Clarence and George.
Peter Balk was born in the Netherlands in 1863 and came to the U.S. at age 17. His sisters were Mrs. Louis Pyse and Mrs. Jake Sikkema and a brother, Corneil.
Fulton is proud of its opportunity to be a selected city for the placement of this kiosk. Its location in the riverfront park beckons for picnics or relaxing in the beautiful setting.
Den Besten Park next to de Immigrant windmill is the site of the new Great River Road Kiosk in Fulton. One side focuses on the Great River Road and the other on the history of Fulton.
A large picture of farmers working a field is featured on the local history side. No identification of the people is indicated. However, the photograph was given by Mrs. Paul (Evelyn) Sterenberg taken at the Sebe Akker farm and worked by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Balk. The farm was located at Blind Charlie’s Corner on what is now Penrose Road. Their descendents are numerous in Whiteside County.
Mrs. Peter Balk was born Kate Akker on December 7, 1867, the daughter of John and Abeltje Akker. She lived until August 13, 1943. Her obituary states that “older residents well remember that she was in charge of a milk route in town and regardless of weather conditions was faithful to her duties, a trait characteristic of her in anything she ever undertook to do.” She had one brother, Sebe Akker, and sisters, Ellen Akker Tillema (Albert), Josie Akker Flikkema (Henry), Maggie Akker Dykema (George) and two half brothers, John and George Kolk.
On February 6, 1887 she married Peter Balk who lived until December 6, 1935. They had five daughters, Mrs. Clarence Bielema, Mrs. Dick (Jennie) Tichler, Mrs. John (Margaret) Klimstra, Mrs. Peter (Abbie) Wiersema and Mrs. Ren (Ella) Dykstra; four sons, John, Roy, Clarence and George.
Peter Balk was born in the Netherlands in 1863 and came to the U.S. at age 17. His sisters were Mrs. Louis Pyse and Mrs. Jake Sikkema and a brother, Corneil.
Fulton is proud of its opportunity to be a selected city for the placement of this kiosk. Its location in the riverfront park beckons for picnics or relaxing in the beautiful setting.
John Phelps
Fulton Journal
February 8,1884
John Phelps was born in Greenfield, Franklin county, Massachusetts, Thursday, April 8, 1819 and died at Morrison, Illinois, at 11 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, February
5,1884, making his age sixty-four years, nine months and twenty-seven days. While at Morrison, January 31, he received a paralytic stroke from which he did not recover. The remains were brought to Fulton Wednesday and the funeral held at his former home, Rev. W.D. Smith preaching the funeral sermon. Afterwards Fulton City Lodge, No. 189, A.F. and A.M., of which the deceased was a member, took charge of the obsequies, and under the direction of Worshipful Master Snyder escorted the body to the cemetery, where it was deposited in its final resting place with the appropriate ceremonies of that order. In 1884 (?) Mr. Phelps came to Fulton where he has since lived. Soon after he arrived he commenced mercantile business with his brother, under the firm name of A.& J. Phelps. In 1849 his brother died and Mr. Phelps continued in business till 1855 when he sold out and built the stone warehouse on the levee. Mr. Phelps filled with credit many offices of trust. In years gone by he took an active interest in the advancement of this city. In 1853 in company with Judge James McCoy, he purchased in St.Louis press and type for the first newspaper in this part of the State. The first numbers of the paper, called the Whiteside Investigator, was issued in May, 1854, and after various changes in 1863 the name became the Fulton Journal. Mr. Phelps was widely known throughout this section, and leaves a son and a daughter, also many friends who knew and appreciated his good qualities.
February 8,1884
John Phelps was born in Greenfield, Franklin county, Massachusetts, Thursday, April 8, 1819 and died at Morrison, Illinois, at 11 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, February
5,1884, making his age sixty-four years, nine months and twenty-seven days. While at Morrison, January 31, he received a paralytic stroke from which he did not recover. The remains were brought to Fulton Wednesday and the funeral held at his former home, Rev. W.D. Smith preaching the funeral sermon. Afterwards Fulton City Lodge, No. 189, A.F. and A.M., of which the deceased was a member, took charge of the obsequies, and under the direction of Worshipful Master Snyder escorted the body to the cemetery, where it was deposited in its final resting place with the appropriate ceremonies of that order. In 1884 (?) Mr. Phelps came to Fulton where he has since lived. Soon after he arrived he commenced mercantile business with his brother, under the firm name of A.& J. Phelps. In 1849 his brother died and Mr. Phelps continued in business till 1855 when he sold out and built the stone warehouse on the levee. Mr. Phelps filled with credit many offices of trust. In years gone by he took an active interest in the advancement of this city. In 1853 in company with Judge James McCoy, he purchased in St.Louis press and type for the first newspaper in this part of the State. The first numbers of the paper, called the Whiteside Investigator, was issued in May, 1854, and after various changes in 1863 the name became the Fulton Journal. Mr. Phelps was widely known throughout this section, and leaves a son and a daughter, also many friends who knew and appreciated his good qualities.
Passing Through
Fulton Journal
May 21, 1875
The delegation of Sioux Indians who are to present their grievances to the "Great Father" at Washington, passed through this city last Friday morning, on the Northwestern Railway, and were objects of considerable interest to those who happened to be at the depot at the time. The celebrities were Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Pawnee Killer, American Horse, Conquering Bear, Swift Bear, Bad Wound, Sitting Bull, Tall Lance, Fast Thinker, Crow Dog and Shoulder. Only one had his squaw with him, and the reason was that she refused to stay behind and plant corn while her lord and master was living on the fat of the land at the big hotels. The party occupied a special car attached to the rear of the train.
May 21, 1875
The delegation of Sioux Indians who are to present their grievances to the "Great Father" at Washington, passed through this city last Friday morning, on the Northwestern Railway, and were objects of considerable interest to those who happened to be at the depot at the time. The celebrities were Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Pawnee Killer, American Horse, Conquering Bear, Swift Bear, Bad Wound, Sitting Bull, Tall Lance, Fast Thinker, Crow Dog and Shoulder. Only one had his squaw with him, and the reason was that she refused to stay behind and plant corn while her lord and master was living on the fat of the land at the big hotels. The party occupied a special car attached to the rear of the train.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Farwell # 17
October 2, 1906
Fulton Journal
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Farwell, who live on Dr. W.K. Farley's farm in Ustick, are receiving the congratulations of numerous friends, all owing to the arrival of a bouncing baby boy in their home, Friday, September 28. Mr. Farwell was advised to telegraph the news to President Roosevelt as this makes him the father of seventeen children, all living, and twelve of them remain under the parental roof and form a very interesting and unusual scene when they gather at the long dining table to partake of their meals.
Fulton Journal
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Farwell, who live on Dr. W.K. Farley's farm in Ustick, are receiving the congratulations of numerous friends, all owing to the arrival of a bouncing baby boy in their home, Friday, September 28. Mr. Farwell was advised to telegraph the news to President Roosevelt as this makes him the father of seventeen children, all living, and twelve of them remain under the parental roof and form a very interesting and unusual scene when they gather at the long dining table to partake of their meals.
T.R. Farwell
September 25, 1906
Fulton Journal
J.D. Farwell was in town Saturday and called at our office and gave us an introduction to his youngest son, who is the latest representative of sixteen children all living, who call Jay "father." This boy is twenty-one months old, twenty-one inches tall and wears trousers with all the grace of a Beau Brummel. He shakes his curly head when he responds to the name of Theodore Roosevelt Farwell, but when you call him "Teddy" he smiles and is Johnny on the spot, bubbling over with rougish fun. He is the littlest big good looking boy of the Farwell family and can wind the old man around his little finger every time he crooks it.
Fulton Journal
J.D. Farwell was in town Saturday and called at our office and gave us an introduction to his youngest son, who is the latest representative of sixteen children all living, who call Jay "father." This boy is twenty-one months old, twenty-one inches tall and wears trousers with all the grace of a Beau Brummel. He shakes his curly head when he responds to the name of Theodore Roosevelt Farwell, but when you call him "Teddy" he smiles and is Johnny on the spot, bubbling over with rougish fun. He is the littlest big good looking boy of the Farwell family and can wind the old man around his little finger every time he crooks it.
They Voted for Abraham Lincoln
Fulton Journal
February 12, 1909
Many Survivors in Fulton who Supported Lincoln for President.
Today marks the centennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln which recalls many reminiscences, especially among the supporters of the great emancipator during his presidential campaigns.
While Fulton has none that claims any relationshuip to the martyred president, yet there are several still living in this city who voted for him when he was elected president.
Among those now residing in Fulton, who were ardent supporters, and voted for Abraham Lincoln for the highest office in the nation are--
Dr. C.A. Griswold, E.D. Chapman, John Stuart, G.A. Durkee, J.W. Hurlbut, L.P. Hill, James A. Kyle, J.H. Goble, Dr. S.G. Seeley, George C. Loomis, H.L. Houghton, R.E. Lay, George Hansen, W.P. Culbertson, Milo Jones, J.M. Fay, J.W. Ross, William Cupp, David Baker, John Munneke, George C. Bugbee, H. Worthington, H. Pease, Hoken Hanson, L.N. Reed, G. Utz, P.C. Coster.
Those who were residents of Fulton at that time were Dr. Griswold, and Messrs. Culbertson, Stuart, Jones, Chapman and Munneke.
February 12, 1909
Many Survivors in Fulton who Supported Lincoln for President.
Today marks the centennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln which recalls many reminiscences, especially among the supporters of the great emancipator during his presidential campaigns.
While Fulton has none that claims any relationshuip to the martyred president, yet there are several still living in this city who voted for him when he was elected president.
Among those now residing in Fulton, who were ardent supporters, and voted for Abraham Lincoln for the highest office in the nation are--
Dr. C.A. Griswold, E.D. Chapman, John Stuart, G.A. Durkee, J.W. Hurlbut, L.P. Hill, James A. Kyle, J.H. Goble, Dr. S.G. Seeley, George C. Loomis, H.L. Houghton, R.E. Lay, George Hansen, W.P. Culbertson, Milo Jones, J.M. Fay, J.W. Ross, William Cupp, David Baker, John Munneke, George C. Bugbee, H. Worthington, H. Pease, Hoken Hanson, L.N. Reed, G. Utz, P.C. Coster.
Those who were residents of Fulton at that time were Dr. Griswold, and Messrs. Culbertson, Stuart, Jones, Chapman and Munneke.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Departed: Bradstreet Robinson
Fulton Journal
March 1, 1889
Bradstreet Robinson was born in Somerset county, Maine, January 1, 1812. He died in this city, February 26 (1889) of paralysis. He left Maine at the age of seventeen years and went to Ohio. In 1833 he came to Illinois. He built the first house in Mt. Carroll and also built the mill in that city. He came to Fulton in 1854 and was for a time in the lumber business, but afterward built and managed the hotel, the Robinson House, till in 1884. He was married at Mt. Carroll in 1846 to Miss Elizabeth Murford. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters, grown to manhood and womanhood. The obsequies were held at the late residence of the deceased at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Cass Davis, pastor of the M.E. church in this city, officiated. The burial was performed by the relatives and near friends at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Bradstreet Robinson was a plain, frank, conscientious man. He lived a temperate, moral and an honest life. He possessed a strong will and untiring energy. What he believed to be right he advocated boldly. What he advocated he practiced. He was among the first to advocate the abolition of slavery and always advocated temperance, total abstinence of the use of tobacco in any form or intoxicants as a beverage. He professed religion, but was not bound by the creed of any church. The orthodox religion, as interpreted by some, was too narrow for him. He believed that every man should work out his own salvation. He gave the subject of religion a great amount of study and thought. By honesty, economy and energy he accumulated more than a competency. He died loved most by those who knew him best, admired by many, respected by all.
March 1, 1889
Bradstreet Robinson was born in Somerset county, Maine, January 1, 1812. He died in this city, February 26 (1889) of paralysis. He left Maine at the age of seventeen years and went to Ohio. In 1833 he came to Illinois. He built the first house in Mt. Carroll and also built the mill in that city. He came to Fulton in 1854 and was for a time in the lumber business, but afterward built and managed the hotel, the Robinson House, till in 1884. He was married at Mt. Carroll in 1846 to Miss Elizabeth Murford. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters, grown to manhood and womanhood. The obsequies were held at the late residence of the deceased at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Cass Davis, pastor of the M.E. church in this city, officiated. The burial was performed by the relatives and near friends at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Bradstreet Robinson was a plain, frank, conscientious man. He lived a temperate, moral and an honest life. He possessed a strong will and untiring energy. What he believed to be right he advocated boldly. What he advocated he practiced. He was among the first to advocate the abolition of slavery and always advocated temperance, total abstinence of the use of tobacco in any form or intoxicants as a beverage. He professed religion, but was not bound by the creed of any church. The orthodox religion, as interpreted by some, was too narrow for him. He believed that every man should work out his own salvation. He gave the subject of religion a great amount of study and thought. By honesty, economy and energy he accumulated more than a competency. He died loved most by those who knew him best, admired by many, respected by all.
Fulton Journal
April 30, 1889
For several weeks tramps have had their rendezvous alongside the C.& N.W. track south of this city. The camp was about forty rods outside the city limits and the tramps knew it. They grew more bold and insolent each day. They were prowling around in Claus Bush's kitchen during the night time. They slept in John W. Munneke's barn and started a fire in his barn. They bought numerous kegs of beer and gallons of whisky and put themselves outside the same with great expedition. They became so bad that John W. Munneke came to town and swore out a warrant charging them with vagrancy. The city marshal organized a posse comitatus and,aided by Deputy Sheriff Fay and Constables J.W. Farley and Hervey Smith went to the camp of the tramps and arrested seventeen of them. Four others were arrested in the city. They were tried before George Terwilliger, justice of the peace, and eighteen of them convicted. One was sentenced to pay a fine of $20 or be imprisoned in the county jail five days; six to pay a fine of $30 or be imprisoned thirty days; eleven to pay a fine of $50 or be imprisoned fifty days. C.W. Knapp conducted the prosecution in an able manner. George E. Duis, of Dixon, who is attending the college and will graduate in June, defended one of the tramps, Frank Wilson, the one who received the lightest sentence. The tramps were taken to the county jail Tuesday. They were a bad crowd. There were half a dozen razors and more knives found concealed on their persons. Sheriff Keefer does not like such prisoners. He keeps the jail clean and free from vermin and this class of prisoners makes him and his assistants a great deal of extra work.
April 30, 1889
For several weeks tramps have had their rendezvous alongside the C.& N.W. track south of this city. The camp was about forty rods outside the city limits and the tramps knew it. They grew more bold and insolent each day. They were prowling around in Claus Bush's kitchen during the night time. They slept in John W. Munneke's barn and started a fire in his barn. They bought numerous kegs of beer and gallons of whisky and put themselves outside the same with great expedition. They became so bad that John W. Munneke came to town and swore out a warrant charging them with vagrancy. The city marshal organized a posse comitatus and,aided by Deputy Sheriff Fay and Constables J.W. Farley and Hervey Smith went to the camp of the tramps and arrested seventeen of them. Four others were arrested in the city. They were tried before George Terwilliger, justice of the peace, and eighteen of them convicted. One was sentenced to pay a fine of $20 or be imprisoned in the county jail five days; six to pay a fine of $30 or be imprisoned thirty days; eleven to pay a fine of $50 or be imprisoned fifty days. C.W. Knapp conducted the prosecution in an able manner. George E. Duis, of Dixon, who is attending the college and will graduate in June, defended one of the tramps, Frank Wilson, the one who received the lightest sentence. The tramps were taken to the county jail Tuesday. They were a bad crowd. There were half a dozen razors and more knives found concealed on their persons. Sheriff Keefer does not like such prisoners. He keeps the jail clean and free from vermin and this class of prisoners makes him and his assistants a great deal of extra work.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Show Girls
Fulton Journal
December 6,1912
Invade Fulton and Step up to Bar and Call for War Medicine
There was a show troupe that plays "The Sweetest Girl from Paris" that included twenty or more chorus girls that got off a train in Fulton Wednesday and when they got up town they boldly entered the saloons and going up to the bar made a noise just like a man and then called for "war medicine." They did not seek entrance by any side door or ask to be directed to a wine room, but went brazenly in by the front door and drank beer, etc., just like veteran booze fighters.
It was a thing to be condemned, as there is something very demoralizing connected with women being allowed to enter saloons. There should be an ordinance prohibiting women frequenting saloons under a penalty of having the saloon's license revoked. The spectacle of a lot of silly chorus girls half drunk entering saloons and drinking with men is something rank. Boys and girls on the street watched the performance and it could not but be demoralizing. Such a thing should never be allowed to occur in this town again, as it was an outrage on decency and the proper control of the liquor traffic.
December 6,1912
Invade Fulton and Step up to Bar and Call for War Medicine
There was a show troupe that plays "The Sweetest Girl from Paris" that included twenty or more chorus girls that got off a train in Fulton Wednesday and when they got up town they boldly entered the saloons and going up to the bar made a noise just like a man and then called for "war medicine." They did not seek entrance by any side door or ask to be directed to a wine room, but went brazenly in by the front door and drank beer, etc., just like veteran booze fighters.
It was a thing to be condemned, as there is something very demoralizing connected with women being allowed to enter saloons. There should be an ordinance prohibiting women frequenting saloons under a penalty of having the saloon's license revoked. The spectacle of a lot of silly chorus girls half drunk entering saloons and drinking with men is something rank. Boys and girls on the street watched the performance and it could not but be demoralizing. Such a thing should never be allowed to occur in this town again, as it was an outrage on decency and the proper control of the liquor traffic.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
History of Spring Valley Church

By Audrey Kooi
100 Years at Spring Valley Reformed Church Fulton
Near the turn of the century, many families had settled in the Spring Valley area that were of Reformed Church heritage. The nearest Reformed church congregations were located in the Fulton and Morrison area but the distance made regular worship difficult. Travel was by horse and buggy or bobsled and in many cases a round trip took several hours.
In the winter of 1908-1909, a classical missionary, Rev. Peter Braak, was sent into the territory by the Classis of Wisconsin for the purpose of establishing a church. Despite a poor economy, he found a strong desire in the hearts of several families to organize a church. Conducting a house to house canvas he also discovered many Presbyterian families who had a church and parsonage but were unable to support a pastor. Neither group wished to leave its parent denomination so a logical compromise was worked out. The Presbyterians would provide their facilities and the Reformed segment would help support a pastor.
On February 12, 1909 a meeting was called by Rev. Braak for all persons interested in organizing a Ustick Reformed Church. Twenty families appeared who were willing to organize. In March of 1909, the combined Presbyterian and Reformed congregations extended a call to Rev. Zwier Roetman, a graduating student from Western Theological Seminary, to become their joint pastor.
After two years had passed, fifteen more families had been added to the original twenty in the Reformed Church unit. The decision was made to buy two acres of land on which to build a church and parsonage. On November 1, 1911, the new church was formally dedicated to the worship of God and in that year the corporate name was officially declared to be the Spring Valley Reformed Church. Rev. Roetman continued to serve the Reformed congregation as pastor. Today the church is still at the same location 10960 Spring Valley Road.
Over the years the original structure has been added onto, modernized and facilities added to accommodate the churches activities. In 1972 one of the changes made to the property was a large parking lot with an outdoor chapel for drive in worship services. Pastor Ralph VanRheenen held the first outdoor worship and 37 years later it is continuing to bless the congregation and community. Every Sunday night at 7:00 from mid-May to mid-September cars fill the parking lot to enjoy Christian concerts and a Biblical message. They have a slogan “come as you are in the family car.” Last year a prayer garden was added to the outdoor service area, it is open to the public as a place of rest and reflection.
One hundred years later, Spring Valley’s membership has grown to 95 families consisting of 165 confessing members. Pastor Scott Bonestroo serves as the 15th pastor to lead the congregation. The mission statement for this church family: Developing Fully Devoted Followers of Christ. Every Sunday the church holds a traditional service at 9 a.m. that features choir, hymns, liturgy and a Biblical message. At 11:00 a.m. a contemporary service is held, which includes a live worship band with drums, guitars and a keyboard, worship songs sung as you may hear them on Christian radio, skits and a Biblical message. For more information about the church call 815-772-3554 or visit their website www.springvalleychurch.net
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Fulton Journal
January 12:
Prominent Clinton Firm Has Located in Fulton
The Pointer Supply company of Clinton, which was incorporated under the laws of Iowa in October, 1909, and had since been doing business in that city, dealing exclusively in jobbing Pointer beer, a product manufactured and bottled by the Clinton Brewing company, has moved its place of business to Fulton, and now occupies the store owned by the Fulton Realty company north of the Fulton Drug company.
The office in Fulton which is now the headquarters for the company, is in charge of Fred A. Upton, the principal stockholder and general manager. Mr. Upton is a reliable businessman, who was born and raised in Lyons He devotes his entire time and attention to looking after the business of the company.
In connection with the Pointer Supply company, John G. Scott, successor to J.H. White, has a wholesale liquor office in the same building. Mr. Scott was for many years traveling salesman for J.H. White in the wholesale liquor business, and since his death has been the proprietor.
February 2:
The Potosi Brewing company of Potosi, Wis., has leased the room just vacated by E. Bos, the tailor in the Lemke block on Twelfth avenue and will open a branch house in this city. The business in Fulton will be in charge of Lawrence Carstensen, who for several months had been manager of the Val Blatz Brewing company's house in Fulton. The business of this firm is largely in the states adjoining Illinois.
February 9:
Two Wholesale Beer Licenses Were Granted at Session Held Tuesday Night.
Tuesday evening at the meeting of the city council, the mayor and all of the aldermen were present. Two petitions, one from the Potosi Brewing comnpany of Potosi, Wis., and other from the Gund Brewing company of LaCrosse, Wis., each to conduct the wholesale beer business in Fulton, were accepted and the clerk instructed to issue licenses upon receipt of the city treasurer for the payment of the license fee.
The Potosi company will conduct its business in the Lemke block on Twelfth avenue, and the Gund company will erect a portable building on the block south of the Burlinton depot for its place of business, which will be in charge of S.J. Jordan of Clinton.
January 12:
Prominent Clinton Firm Has Located in Fulton
The Pointer Supply company of Clinton, which was incorporated under the laws of Iowa in October, 1909, and had since been doing business in that city, dealing exclusively in jobbing Pointer beer, a product manufactured and bottled by the Clinton Brewing company, has moved its place of business to Fulton, and now occupies the store owned by the Fulton Realty company north of the Fulton Drug company.
The office in Fulton which is now the headquarters for the company, is in charge of Fred A. Upton, the principal stockholder and general manager. Mr. Upton is a reliable businessman, who was born and raised in Lyons He devotes his entire time and attention to looking after the business of the company.
In connection with the Pointer Supply company, John G. Scott, successor to J.H. White, has a wholesale liquor office in the same building. Mr. Scott was for many years traveling salesman for J.H. White in the wholesale liquor business, and since his death has been the proprietor.
February 2:
The Potosi Brewing company of Potosi, Wis., has leased the room just vacated by E. Bos, the tailor in the Lemke block on Twelfth avenue and will open a branch house in this city. The business in Fulton will be in charge of Lawrence Carstensen, who for several months had been manager of the Val Blatz Brewing company's house in Fulton. The business of this firm is largely in the states adjoining Illinois.
February 9:
Two Wholesale Beer Licenses Were Granted at Session Held Tuesday Night.
Tuesday evening at the meeting of the city council, the mayor and all of the aldermen were present. Two petitions, one from the Potosi Brewing comnpany of Potosi, Wis., and other from the Gund Brewing company of LaCrosse, Wis., each to conduct the wholesale beer business in Fulton, were accepted and the clerk instructed to issue licenses upon receipt of the city treasurer for the payment of the license fee.
The Potosi company will conduct its business in the Lemke block on Twelfth avenue, and the Gund company will erect a portable building on the block south of the Burlinton depot for its place of business, which will be in charge of S.J. Jordan of Clinton.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Fulton Journal: July 23, 1909
Thomas R. Daley Shot at a Supposed Chicken Thief, Who Dropped Bundle of Stolen Goods.
Wednesday morning Thomas R.Daley, who is a night watchman at the Patent Novelty company's plant and resides across the street from the factory, heard a noise among the chickens about four o'clock and on looking out of the window at the plant saw a man prowling around his hen house. He ran out of the factory and fired a shot at the intruder.
The man carried a bundle and when the shot was fired he dropped it and ran south along the Burlington track towards the depot.
Mr. Daley then went to his poultry house where he found that nothing had been disturbed. In looking around he found a large bundle in a sort of a coffee or sugar sack lying by the fence. He picked it up and found in it fourteen pairs of pants, and an overcoat. All were new and had evidently been stolen from a car or or some freight house as there were no cost marks or prices on them other than the sizes and lot number used by the manufacturer.
City Marshal Archie Goble was notified and the stolen articles were taken to the city hall. On the sack that contained the goods was stenciled the name, "T.M. Gobble Co., Clinton, Iowa."
The articles found are not high priced, but of the cheaper grade, the pantaloons are of the kind that usually sell for $1.50 a pair.
Thomas R. Daley Shot at a Supposed Chicken Thief, Who Dropped Bundle of Stolen Goods.
Wednesday morning Thomas R.Daley, who is a night watchman at the Patent Novelty company's plant and resides across the street from the factory, heard a noise among the chickens about four o'clock and on looking out of the window at the plant saw a man prowling around his hen house. He ran out of the factory and fired a shot at the intruder.
The man carried a bundle and when the shot was fired he dropped it and ran south along the Burlington track towards the depot.
Mr. Daley then went to his poultry house where he found that nothing had been disturbed. In looking around he found a large bundle in a sort of a coffee or sugar sack lying by the fence. He picked it up and found in it fourteen pairs of pants, and an overcoat. All were new and had evidently been stolen from a car or or some freight house as there were no cost marks or prices on them other than the sizes and lot number used by the manufacturer.
City Marshal Archie Goble was notified and the stolen articles were taken to the city hall. On the sack that contained the goods was stenciled the name, "T.M. Gobble Co., Clinton, Iowa."
The articles found are not high priced, but of the cheaper grade, the pantaloons are of the kind that usually sell for $1.50 a pair.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Junction Hotel
Fulton Journal: July 26, 1904
The hotel building located at the Junction and known as the Junction House is being torn down, and the lumber will be shipped to Gibbon, Minn., to be again used for building purposes. The Junction House, one of the old landmarks in that part of the city, was located a few rods from the crossing of the Northwestern and C.M.& St.P. railroads. Before the days of signal towers, derailing switches and block signals, and when all trains on both roads stopped at the Junction, the old time inn did a flourishing business. For years it was the home of Dr. H.D. Flower a travelling physician who amassed a fortune while practising his profession and to the estate the property yet forms a part.
The hotel building located at the Junction and known as the Junction House is being torn down, and the lumber will be shipped to Gibbon, Minn., to be again used for building purposes. The Junction House, one of the old landmarks in that part of the city, was located a few rods from the crossing of the Northwestern and C.M.& St.P. railroads. Before the days of signal towers, derailing switches and block signals, and when all trains on both roads stopped at the Junction, the old time inn did a flourishing business. For years it was the home of Dr. H.D. Flower a travelling physician who amassed a fortune while practising his profession and to the estate the property yet forms a part.
Barley and Mustard
Fulton Journal: December 1, 1903
Over Half Million Bushels of Barley Cleaned Annually--2,000 Bushels of Mustard Seed Marketed
On the river bank just north of the foot of Cherry street and adjoining J.C. Snyder's warehouse is the Fulton elevator, which is owned by E.A. Brown of Luverne, Minn., and operated by him under the supervision of George W. Damon, as manager.
There are not many people in Fulton, who know about the enormous quantity of barley that is handled in this elevator during the year.
In the past season there were over one-half million bushels of this grain shipped from northern Iowa and southern Minnesota, to this elevator where it was cleaned by being run through a screener and mills twice and again reloaded onto the cars and shipped to eastern markets.
In the process of cleaning last year over 2,000 bushels of mustard seed were taken from the grain. This seed finds ready market in Chicago at seventy cents per bushel. During the year the only large quantitites of mustard seed that was received on the Chicago market came from Fulton.
The month just closed. Monday has been a very busy month at this establishment, over 150 cars of barley having been cleaned, reloaded onto the cars and shipped to the east. Each car will average over 1,000 bushels of grain. This makes a total of nearly 160,000 bushels of grain handled twice.
Over Half Million Bushels of Barley Cleaned Annually--2,000 Bushels of Mustard Seed Marketed
On the river bank just north of the foot of Cherry street and adjoining J.C. Snyder's warehouse is the Fulton elevator, which is owned by E.A. Brown of Luverne, Minn., and operated by him under the supervision of George W. Damon, as manager.
There are not many people in Fulton, who know about the enormous quantity of barley that is handled in this elevator during the year.
In the past season there were over one-half million bushels of this grain shipped from northern Iowa and southern Minnesota, to this elevator where it was cleaned by being run through a screener and mills twice and again reloaded onto the cars and shipped to eastern markets.
In the process of cleaning last year over 2,000 bushels of mustard seed were taken from the grain. This seed finds ready market in Chicago at seventy cents per bushel. During the year the only large quantitites of mustard seed that was received on the Chicago market came from Fulton.
The month just closed. Monday has been a very busy month at this establishment, over 150 cars of barley having been cleaned, reloaded onto the cars and shipped to the east. Each car will average over 1,000 bushels of grain. This makes a total of nearly 160,000 bushels of grain handled twice.
Girl Scouts
Fulton Journal: June 20, 1911
The latest organization is the girl scouts movement. Their objects are all good ones, for they intend to learn how to sew and cook and make their own dresses and know all about housework so that when they get married they can mend and press hubby's clothes. They also intend to learn how to ride horseback, row a boat, nurse the sick and talk baseball intelligently.
The latest organization is the girl scouts movement. Their objects are all good ones, for they intend to learn how to sew and cook and make their own dresses and know all about housework so that when they get married they can mend and press hubby's clothes. They also intend to learn how to ride horseback, row a boat, nurse the sick and talk baseball intelligently.
An Odd Outfit
Fulton Journal: June 20, 1911
Saturday afternoon an odd outfit appeared on the streets of Fulton. It comprised two men, two women, a bunch of swarthy children and four cinnamon bears. The outfit traveled about in three wagons, two of which were covered and occupied by the men, women and children and the other was provided with a cage in which to carry the bears. The men and women resenbled Russians, but claimed that they were Cubans. While in town the men led two of the bears through the business streets and the other two made a canvass of the residence portions of the town. They begged from store to store and from house to house, and for a nickel or a dime given them the bears would be made to dance. The animals would wind up their stunt by climbing a tree or telephone pole.
Saturday afternoon an odd outfit appeared on the streets of Fulton. It comprised two men, two women, a bunch of swarthy children and four cinnamon bears. The outfit traveled about in three wagons, two of which were covered and occupied by the men, women and children and the other was provided with a cage in which to carry the bears. The men and women resenbled Russians, but claimed that they were Cubans. While in town the men led two of the bears through the business streets and the other two made a canvass of the residence portions of the town. They begged from store to store and from house to house, and for a nickel or a dime given them the bears would be made to dance. The animals would wind up their stunt by climbing a tree or telephone pole.
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